Wavoto Private Coaching Sessions With Crystal Clark

Wavoto Private Coaching Sessions With Crystal Clark

Do you want to set up Wavoto yourself, but not on your own? I am happy to walk you through the dos and don'ts to help you set up your Back Office in an organized manner to run all your processes effectively and efficiently.

  • You have the time to set up the back office yourself but you don't know where to get started
  • You want someone to hold your hand and give you "homework" so you can stay on track and "get it done!"

There are two options available for Wavoto Coaching sessions so there is a method which will work for you!

  • Individually scheduled, as-needed calls  - You want to check in periodically and get guidance when you don't know how to do something but still want to be able to do it on your own. (Billed per call per hourly rate)

  • Weekly, preset calls - The amount of calls will be determined by you and your dedication level to your project. You can choose to have a check in call with me every other day, 2 times per week, 1 time per week, bi-weekly, etc. (Billed bi-weekly, per hourly rate)

Hourly Rate = $60

In order to get started with Wavoto Coaching Sessions, please fill out the form below and I will reach out to you so we can create a custom plan for your needs!

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