
Joyful Relationships with Food, Our Bodies, amp; Life with Melissa Chappell (Episode 18)

It seems like so many of us women struggle with having healthy relationships with food, our bodies and life itself. All of these struggles block and inhibit our joy. One of the very first women who showed me what true joy in all of these areas could look like was

Melissa Chappell

. It blew my mind that anyone could bring so much love and joy to food and the everyday adventure of life itself!

Listen in to this powerful show where Melissa shares her heartfelt insights on how to create healthy, thriving relationships with food and our bodies to open us up to greater everyday JOY.


During this episode Melissa mentioned this

darling photo posted on Instagram

of her daughter:

insta freshmelissa

Melissa Chappell

loves cooking delicious, nutritious gourmet desserts that just happen to be good for you. She is also the author of several cookbooks. Melissa is a doula and will soon have her midwifery training complete. She is co-owner of the Community School of Midwifery and serves on the boards of several humanitarian organizations, including "Naturopaths without Borders." Melissa is also a single mother of 4 children, ranging from ages 3-20.

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