
Nurture Your Creative Spark

What do you do to nurture your creative spark? When your business is rooted in your passions - work you love to do and would do even if no one was paying you - sometimes it can be hard to turn work off and just create for the FUN of it. Even if your work isn't rooted here yet, nurturing your creative spark can change everything and light your world on fire.

Over the years as I've really leaned in to creating a life and business I love, I've found that I lose my creative spar

k when I stop nurturing my creativity. This means doing at least some of my art for the sake of art, rather than only for business.

When we lose touch with our own creative spark, we slip out of our zone of genius. Our work then FEELS like work. It's something we just do to get money. But when we're connected to our creative spark, the inner fires light our days and we COME ALIVE. Naturally, our work comes alive as a result, bringing our brilliance + secret sauce back into everything we're doing. However, this step can be easy to devalue and look past. We think it's not crucial in the moment. It's easier to not take the time to nurture our creative spark. However, leaving those inner fires to tend themselves means they (amp; we) can easily burn out. I've been leaning in more to tending my inner fire, that divine + creative spark. Lately it's looked like drawing and painting in my art journal. Whenever I do it, my heart sings. Peace returns. My divine spark glows into a fire. My work has more depth, heart and life. I have more energy to bring to my family and more patience to enjoy life as it is right now. OUR CREATIVE + DIVINE SPARK MATTERS. Let that light shine!

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