
Choosing JOY (Episode 53)

The art and practice of living joyfully requires one crucial element: CHOICE. There is nothing that kills joy faster than believing we are not at choice, especially in how to respond to our life circumstances. In today's episode of "Joyful Living" we dive in to choosing joy in all areas of our lives and what this actually looks like (the good, the bad, and the ugly). One of the powerful principles we bring as our ally in this conversation is that a miracle truly is a shift in perception. Our perceptions frame our reality, our experiences and even our daily joy. So what happens when life is messy or it feels impossible to choose joy?

"A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love."

- Marianne Williamson


Listen in to explore how "joyful living" really means ALIVENESS. And this aliveness comes from FEELING - not just the happy feelings, but the entire range of our human experience. It's so important that we embrace our emotions as teachers, rather than resisting/repressing them or even taking them on as our identity. We are NOT our emotions. But feeling our emotions and knowing how to work with them -- to hear and see them -- can create great freedom and empowerment in our daily lives.

We likened the conversation of joyful living to this famous quote by Patrick Henry,

"give me liberty or give me death."  

True liberty is being at choice. By being at choice it opens our world to a greater capacity for joy and transformation. There is deep + boundless liberty in CHOOSING JOY.

But it's not always easy to choose joy. Listen in to uncover some simple strategies and perception shifts that can release us from the prisons of expectations, shoulds and regrets. Instead, we can courageously + wholeheartedly choose joy now.

p.s. Stay inspired to live in greater JOY everyday by subscribing to the

Joyful Living Podcast





. Excited to cheer you on in living a life you love!

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