
Redefining + Deepening Joyful Living (Episode 81)

Recently, I’ve found myself reflecting on this past season of my life; the shifts in beliefs and thoughts and how those shifts have impacted my idea of joyful living is. I challenge you to do the same – to check in on your 2017 and recognize what you have learned and how you have grown.

For me personally, it’s been a season of change when it comes to defining relationships with some of the people that are closest to me. There were events that took place that challenged me to look closely at my personal and even religious beliefs. Sometimes the universe demands that we stop and take a look at the path we’re on.

As I’ve looked deeper at my own convictions, I’ve found that I have found a redefinition of Joyful Living. I’ve discovered that true Joyful Living for me can be broken down into two concepts –

Meaningful Connection

Wholehearted Expression

I’m excited to share more with you on these concepts as we move forward together into 2018. Part of this is a deeper focus on love – feeling love and giving love. For me, the love I feel in a meaningful connection has to do with feeling seen, heard and valued. I share more about this in the podcast.

Reminds me of this powerful thought about Mary (mother of Jesus) from Marion Woodman (quoted on the podcast):

"...she has literally or figuratively been through the fire and has emerged with an immense capacity to love... She suffered the miracle of the fire. The hidden treasure that filled her with shame and led to accusations of whoredom and adultery was nothing less than the Divine Child, her own spiritual identity, the I am that I am." - Marion Woodman

I’m also excited to grow with you in the coming new year! My hope is that 2018 is a year full of MORE BLOOMING and MORE JOY. Let’s work on identifying the skills needed to breakthrough and make our lives better – to make the difference we came here to make! As we continue to seek out what brings joy into our lives and how much that joy is attached to love, we’ll begin to feel more aliveness on our path.

I hope you enjoy this podcast and know how honored I am to have a relationship with you. I do not take this privilege lightly!

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