
The Stories We Tell (Episode 70)

Is someone driving you nuts? Are you feeling like maybe you won't ever be able to have what you


want? Are you playing small in your life or business?

At the root of any of these feelings is a STORY that is either holding you captive or liberating you.nbsp;

In today's episode of Joyful Living we dive deep into

the difference between stories vs. facts

(and how our we + our egos get sneaky and try to convince ourselves that our stories are facts/truth).nbsp;

Facts are something that can scientifically be proven to be true, largely because that something ALWAYS or NEVER is a certain way. Example: the earth is ALWAYS round and NEVER flat = fact.

Opinions are simply based on our perspectives and preferences. Opinions are similar to stories in that they cannot necessarily be proven to be true or false. Example: the earth is a beautiful and safe place = opinion.

The biggest crazy-train we jump on in life is believing that our stories are facts, when they are actually simply opinions. The big spoiler for how to tell the difference between a fact and an opinion/story is if it holds up to the "always" or "never" test.

You'll learn how to tell the difference by taking your story through the "always/never" and "everybody/nobody" tests to see if you've got a fact on your hands or one wild, convincing story.nbsp;

Why does this matter so much?

Because pretty much everything we do as humans is rooted in a story. The more you hold things up to the "always/never" test, the more you realize that there are far fewer facts in life than we often believe.nbsp;

Stories are based in our opinions and perceptions. By changing our stories, we change our lives.nbsp;


Deceptively simple + elegantly powerful.

Cheering you on in setting yourself free by becoming aware of the stories that are keeping you stuck and then choosing more empowering, supportive and joyful stories!nbsp;


p.s. Are you a soulful entrepreneur? Be sure to download my FREE Brand Story worksheet below!nbsp;

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