
Losing Joy and Other Breakthrough Lessons from 2018 (Episode 94)

If your year wasn't quite so perfect and had some bumpy moments, along with some beautiful moments, you'll really resonate with this episode kicking off the new season of the Joyful Living Podcast.

Listen in while I share behind the scenes of some of the biggest struggles from this year, as well as the major growth and magic that came in as a result of learning (and relearning... and relearning...) a few key lessons.

At the beginning of the year our family had $0 for 3 weeks, encouraging us to get insanely creative to keep food on the table and meet basic needs.

Now we're ending the year absolutely thriving, generating more income and business than any year prior... and about to surprise our children with a dream vacation for Christmas.

What happened in between? How did things finally click and come together?

Hoping that by sharing this it will inspire your own journey, especially to keep moving forward staying true to your dreams, heart and soul.

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